DNA Responds to Ingraham on NPRIP

21 November 2011
After just over a year of making a maze out of the capitol city with detours and roadblocks, and victimization of New Providence Road Improvement Project (NPRIP) workers, the Government has confirmed what we, the Bahamian people, had suspected all along—that the road works are mismanaged, poorly planned and a complete misuse of taxpayers’ money.
According to recent reports, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and his administration are considering turning over the NPRIP to engineers that worked on the now completed BahaMar Road Project. This comes less than 48 hours after the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) candidate for Mount Moriah Wayne Munroe announced that a private prosecution would be taken against the contracted Jose Cartelone Construction company for breaching Bahamian labour laws.
The Party shares the sentiments of most Bahamians that while the capitol was in dire need of road redevelopment and it is a Government’s duty to maintain the upkeep of a nation, the Government has failed in doing this straightforward task. Instead, its leaders are begging for praise for promising to open most roads in time for Christmas shopping—even if this happens, it does nothing to diminish the fact that this Government has no clue how to plan and execute this road work infrastructural development.
DNA Leader and Member of Parliament for Bamboo Town, Branville McCartney said that for an experienced Government, the current administration has shown great neglect toward road workers, affected businesses and residences, and the population, at large.
“The official Government is wreaking havoc on our country while the silent Opposition looks on despondently, oblivious of or apathetic to the plight of Bahamians who struggle daily to navigate through ineptly executed excuse for roads,” McCartney said.
Moreover, this Government owes taxpayers’ an explanation of:
1. How much of the initial NPRIP budget has been spent,
2. How much additional funds is needed to complete this project,
3. How will additional funding be sourced and now,
4. When will the project be completed.
The DNA notes that this Government has single-handedly pushed Bahamians deeper into a failing economy amidst lost jobs and affected businesses, further proving that it does not have the Bahamian public in high regard.
As for the affected road workers and businesses, “We, in the DNA, will speak for them. Someone has to speak for those that can not speak for themselves,” McCartney said.
Additionally, the Party demands that the names and qualifications of these new consultants for the NPRIP also be made public, particularly if they are of foreign nationality.
“They should consider Bahamian road builders, thereby keeping the money within this economy to feed Bahamian families,” McCartney said.
The DNA began meeting with NPRIP workers on Nov 4 and stood committed to represent them while they endure below minimum wages and poor working conditions to support their families.
Last week, the DNA Bain and Grants Town candidate, Rodney Moncur, wrote the Minister of Labour, Doin Foulkes and sent a copy to the Ministers of Works and Immigration, to address the issue. There has no reply from the Government in the sunshine, noted McCartney.
The NPRIP is only one example of the foreign first, visionless Ingraham regime. The Party calls on the Prime Minister, if his Ministers are too weak-willed to intervene, to step in and stop this disaster. Our country cannot withstand anymore.