DNA: Christie is the Clueless One on Crime

March 28, 2012
DNA: Christie is the Clueless One on Crime
Perry Christie, Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader said recently in an article that the DNA is clueless on how to solve violent crime and the rising crime problem in the Bahamas. He said that the PLP has clear-cut solutions to the crime problem.
The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is convinced that Mr. Christie must be delusional and regards his assertions as utter nonsense. The current problem that we face with serious crime specifically murders was on an upward spiral since the PLP took office in 2002. At the end of 2002, there were 52 murders committed in the Bahamas. At the end of 2007, there were 79 murders committed in the Bahamas, an increase of over 50 percent. DNA Leader Branville McCartney said, “Mr. Christie is once again trying to smooth talk the Bahamian electorate, but the facts are there to show that his record on crime was a complete failure. Their “Tough on Crime” and “Operation Cease Fire” policies are nothing more than well written rhetoric, something the PLP and Mr. Christie have mastered."
The FNM is equally delusional with its notion that they have effectively fought crime during the last five years. Under the leadership of Hubert Ingraham and the Free National Movement, serious crime and murder have nearly doubled. The ankle bracelets, the CCTV and the tough on crime rhetoric have all failed and this is one of the reasons why the Bahamas has seen four murder records in five years. A recent report by the Nassau Guardian dated March 16th, 2012 concludes that we are on track for another record year for murders. By the end of February, murders were already up by 15%.
The FNM’s record on murder and crime has been heightened by the fact that they did not remove Tommy Turnquest as Minister of National Security. In 2009, when Turnquest tabled the national crime statistics for the period 2007 and 2008, he said, “Despite the Bahamas' poor standing internationally as it relates to certain crimes, such as murder, according to these latest figures there is some result for optimism”. The DNA wonders what optimism Turnquest can find when our mothers, fathers and children are being slaughtered like cats and dogs in our streets.
In a desperate move, the FNM has now acquired the services of ex New York Police Commissioner, William Bratton. Bratton resigned in 1996 while under investigation for compromising his position as the police chief by accepting “multiple trips from corporations and individuals”. The FNM is used to accepting plane rides and compromise seems to be a recurring theme in the FNM.
McCartney says, “The DNA will use the best resources available to tackle the crime problem but sees this move by the FNM as another one of its election ploy to mislead the public that they are serious about crime. We believe the political interference by Mr. Tommy Turnquest has interfered with the effective running of the police force. We hold the current commissioner in high regard and believe that he is the right man for the job."
The DNA is very much aware of the almost 800 Bahamians that lost their lives to murder under the Christie-led PLP and the Ingraham-led FNM governments. We are well aware of the policies of both these parties and know very well that these policies have failed at every turn. As a consequence, once elected to office, we will implement our policy called “Smart on Crime." We believe that the best crime fighting crime plan is a crime prevention plan. We will focus on three basic areas.
(1). Invest in youth. Less criminals = Less Crime. We will initiate youth programs, youth centers and service requirements.
(2). Invest in Technology. Security and traffic cameras will be widely implemented. This will secure our streets, improve investigations and reduce crime.
(3). Invest in Rehabilitation. We note that 80% of property crimes are committed by repeat offenders. We will ensure that effective and properly functioning drug rehabilitation programs, job preparedness programs and conflict resolution programs reach the Bahamians who require these services.
The DNA believes that Mr. Christie was clueless on crime during his tenure as prime minister and he is even more clueless now. The FNM has carried the mantle left in place by the PLP and does not have the will to effectively address crime in the Bahamas. We now have a problem that will require technology, innovation and the return of good old-fashioned values to start to effectively address this issue.
A DNA government led by Branville McCartney will ensure that these policies are fully executed.