Cash Takes a Stand

Free National Movement Chairman Darron Cash is to be congratulated for taking a stand that reflects Country first rather than petty partisan politics.
As reported by the local media, Mr. Cash made the undoubtedly difficult, but courageous decision in questioning his party’s stand on a number of issues, including VAT and web shop gaming. He also showed courage in acknowledging the significant role played by the FNM government in creating the severe financial crisis in which the nation is currently embroiled.
Having known Mr. Darron Cash for at least 20 years, he has always been a Nationalist and strong advocate of Black Empowerment.
While the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) firmly believes that this PLP administration has grossly mishandled VAT and the Web Shop situation, we do agree with Mr. Cash, that the time has come to place Country first and make tough decisions on the way forward.
The web shop industry in this country has been allowed to flourish under successive administrations. It currently employs a significant number of Bahamians who would otherwise join the tens of thousands already in the unemployment lines. It does indeed make sense for the government to bring some level of regulation to the sector. However, the government must be answerable to the Bahamian people for the botched “Referendum/Opinion Poll” and subsequently not carrying out the wishes of the Bahamian people.
Central Bank Governor Wendy Craig recently called for the government to act on this matter as well; citing the potential for fraud and money laundering. In light of her publicly expressed concern, allowing web shops to continue in their current state of illegality, would not be tantamount to prudent governance. Continued inaction can only serve to exacerbate those issues and also has the potential to create problems for the Bahamas in international markets.
The Free National Movement have spent far too much time opposing for opposition sake, and bickering over which side is right, while both have miserably failed to address the issues facing the country from a nonpartisan perspective.
The DNA believes that the only way to move forward is to create policies which will serve the best interest of Bahamians, regardless of which party is responsible for suggesting a solution.
All Bahamians will agree that there are certainly far more pressing issues facing this nation than the right of an individual to participate in web shop gaming. Unfortunately, amid the political chatter, issues such as Crime, Illegal Immigration, Health Care, Education, and Job Creation have drifted out of the public consciousness.
It is necessary that we put country first and do what is necessary to create a better Bahamas.
Andrew Wilson
DNA Chairman