Photo Albums

Options:  View All Albums | Album:  Economy Town Hall Meeting | Pages:  1  2  3  of 3
The McCartney Family . . .
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The McCartney Family . . .
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Radio talk show host Jeff Lloyd . . .
DNA Candidate for Sea Breeze, Chris Mortimer . . .
DNA Candidate for Sea Breeze, Chris Mortimer . . .
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DNA Candidate for Sea Breeze, Chris Mortimer . . .
Radio talk show host Jeff Lloyd . . .
DNA Candidate for Carmichael, Theo Cochinamogulos . . .
DNA Candidate for Carmichael, Theo Cochinamogulos . . .
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Options:  View All Albums | Album:  Economy Town Hall Meeting | Pages:  1  2  3  of 3
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Democratic National Alliance - Bahamas

The mission of The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is to ensure that the needs and aspirations of Bahamian people - to be owners with the government in the political, cultural, and economic development of the nation - are met. The DNA is devoted to upholding, protecting, and deepening the democratic rule of law in society by promoting openness and accountability in governmental affairs, social justice and equality, and the right of the people to self-governance and authority in determining their own destiny.