Meet Roscoe Thompson - DNA Candidate for change in Central & South Abaco


Roscoe W. Thompson III was born to Jill and Ross Thompson on September 1, 1971 and is the eldest of three sons. His early childhood schooling began at St. Andrew’s School in Nassau and from there he went on to graduate from high school in Georgia. His collegiate days were spent at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Roscoe’s employment began at Thompson Trading Company and later at Nassau Harbour Pilots. After leaving Harbour Pilots, he became an entrepreneur, opening a mini-mart on Paradise Island.

Roscoe left Nassau, relocating to Abaco and has lived there ever since, working in his family business.

Roscoe is an active member of the Abaco community and serves on numerous boards and committees. For the past three years, he has served as Chairman of the Marsh Harbour Spring City Township and sits as a member of the Central Abaco District Council.

Roscoe is the proud father of two children, Kimberly and Roscoe IV “Rocky,” and is the grandson of Sir Durward Knowles - the country’s first Olympic gold medalist.

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  • Telephone: 367-6500

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Democratic National Alliance - Bahamas

The mission of The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is to ensure that the needs and aspirations of Bahamian people - to be owners with the government in the political, cultural, and economic development of the nation - are met. The DNA is devoted to upholding, protecting, and deepening the democratic rule of law in society by promoting openness and accountability in governmental affairs, social justice and equality, and the right of the people to self-governance and authority in determining their own destiny.