Meet William Hunt - DNA Candidate for change in Central & South Eleuthera


William Hunt was born in Tarpum Bay, South Eleuthera on 13 August 1965 to Dowdson Hunt and Alice Carey Hunt.

A 1982 graduate of Preston H. Albury High School, Hunt traveled to Tampa Bay, Florida where he was employed with a construction company building homes. After which, he returned to Nassau and started a commercial fishing business.
In Nassau, he owned a restaurant and lounge for two years. At present, the Hunt family owns a sports fishing company, which cater to both celebrity and local clients.

William was born and raised in South Eleuthera. He is the thirteenth child of sixteen children. William wishes to be employed to represent the constituency of South Eleuthera to take back the land and empower the Bahamian people.

William is the proud father of five and is married to Erica Lopez Hunt. A member of the Methodist Church, William enjoys traveling, deep sea fishing, cooking, bowling, playing basketball, meeting & helping people.

William has offered himself as a candidate for change in the South Eleuthera community to ensure that constituents, when he's successful in his mission to become the next representative for the people of South Eleuthera constituency, he will have a voice in the party's vision and mission for the country.

William is a credible candidate, one with a chance of forwarding the nation’s objective and one with a plan to bring victory to his constituency of South Eleuthera. He's a man with integrity and ambition.


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  • Telephone: 544-7485

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Democratic National Alliance - Bahamas

The mission of The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is to ensure that the needs and aspirations of Bahamian people - to be owners with the government in the political, cultural, and economic development of the nation - are met. The DNA is devoted to upholding, protecting, and deepening the democratic rule of law in society by promoting openness and accountability in governmental affairs, social justice and equality, and the right of the people to self-governance and authority in determining their own destiny.